Monday, 24 June 2013


Hey guys! Hows been your summer so far? :D Mine...should go great. So this posts about: Glitz7.

So lately everyone is basically choosing sides and going back and forth at each others throats. "Stay strong Glitz! :)" or the other side making jokes, "Me: Hi glitz, nice shoes!...Glitz: WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! BULLY!! CALL THE POLICE!!!! IM REPORTNG!" Like, seriously guys? xD Seriously? 

 And yes, I am on a 'side'. I dont think glitz is a bully and that everyone need to stop harassing her personaly. But i dont go round having a go at everyone that hates her. It's not so big of a deal that I need to rant on and on to everyone. The only time I will rant though is when someone takes it way to far. :P So yep. And I know everything is going a little too far...Someone actually made an account called GlitzJokes. And jokes on them 'cause no one actually thinks it's funny. Even the people who dislike Glitz don't think its that funny. But it's weird cause then it seems so funny when its not out and open and its just on a friends wall...yeah. Heres some of what people have been posting on that wallz '.'

Peace out...

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